Rockingham County Sheriff's Office
Serving Rockingham County & City of Harrisonburg, Virginia

Accredited by the Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards Commission 

Sheriff Bryan Hutcheson
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Year End Summary


Rockingham-Harrisonburg Regional Jail

Sexual Misconduct Information

The Rockingham Regional Jail has a mandated zero tolerance toward all forms of sexual abuse and sexual harassment.

Sexual misconduct is illegal and will not be tolerated in any manner at the Rockingham-Harrisonburg Regional Jail.  Sexual misconduct includes: Inmate-on inmate sexual abuse, assault, or consensual sexual activity, and staff/volunteer/contractor-on-inmate sexual abuse, assault or consensual sexual activity.  Sexual misconduct also includes any solicitation of sexual activity.

THIRD PARTY REPORTING PREA 115.52 (e) / 115.54

The Rockingham-Harrisonburg Regional Jail PREA Prison Rape Elimination Act data collected for 2016. (pursuant to 115.87)

Year 2023 2024
Substantiated 14 4
Unsubstantiated 36 29
Unfounded 10 9

PREA Audit Report - 2019


If you have knowledge of an inmate being a victim of sexual harassment or sexual assault, please contact:

Captain Jimmy Wimer or Sgt. Jeffrey Formica (PREA Coordinator)

25 South Liberty Street - Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801 (540) 564-3850

REMEMBER – we are unable to stop and sanction the perpetrator if you do not report the offense.

Anyone who knowingly makes a false allegation of sexual abuse / assault resulting in an investigation, he or she will be prosecuted and may be held civilly liable.